Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Next To Art

Pirate Contemporary Art 

Next to Art is a 14 year photo compilation and investigation into the activation and definition of “what is art”. Composed of over 1,200 images that I took or found on the internet of people interacting or being in the presence of what is deemed art. This installation exposes and poses a series of questions and problems that can be traced to the development of modern and post-modernization institutionalization of art. How is art activated? When does something become art? Who and what gives art it’s credibility and authenticity? Is it art if it is not shared with another? Does simply viewing lend authentication, confirm and reinforce the concept that an object, space or event is art? Relevancy? Intention? Does it have cultural and social validity because it is displayed, collected, and preserved? Who is making these decisions and why do we most often accept it without question? Is it a form of self-preservation, a celebration of our own existence? What does the preservation, displaying and authentication of art say about a culture and it’s society? Does collecting, displaying, preserving, educating, and labeling (products of biennials, fairs, galleries, museums, patrons, and education programs) universally homogenize artifacts, most often stripping them of their original context, history and heritage? Is there an ongoing colonization of art? Is art openly and democratically shared? 

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